The Warwickshire Nuffield Hospital

The Consultants

Warwickshire Vein Centre is a collaboration between two consultant surgeons who have worked together for many years. Their aim is to provide expert care to patients with a wide variety of leg vein conditions by combining modern techniques with years of clinical experience.

From left to right :-



The Consultants also treat a wide variety of vascular and general surgical conditions as


Warwickshire Surgical Partners


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Chris Imray DiMM PhD FRCS



Chris Imray qualified in 1983 from Charing Cross Hospital London. He was appointed as a Consultant General and Vascular Surgeon at the University Hospital, Coventry in 1993, where he continues his NHS practice.


Chris is a member of the Coventry & Warwickshire County Vascular Unit and a member of the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland.


Areas of expertise include


Varicose veins, thread veins, leg circulation problems, aneurysms, surgery to prevent stroke (carotid disease), hernia, gallstones, excess hand sweating and facial flushing, skin lumps and bumps and minor surgical procedures.



Your Treatment



All appointments must be arranged through the secretaries at the Warwickshire Vein Centre by telephoning 01926 436 351.


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